Monday, February 16, 2009

Yeah yeah yeah

Well, here I am again slacking away. I have been boycotting the PC on the weekends for the most part. Well I did watch a movie on my laptop this weekend, but that doesn't really count as on the PC. I sit at a desk all day and work on computers. It's hard now to come home and sit at a computer and do anything. But, tonight, I knew I needed to update you all. So here I am...

Recap of the steps part 2. I did 4 times up. That is 148 stories...umm wow just realized my math was a little off. See I told people that I climbed the Empire State Building. Well, I did.. it's only 102 stories... I did 148.. so.. HAH! Check that out! This week, I am going to go for 5. But I have to tell ya, 4 was one of the hardest things I have ever done. By the 4th time up my legs were like cement, but I kept at it and made it up. Got cheered when I got up there too. Yay!

On friday I was supposed to go hiking and to be honest my legs were still a little tired from Wed., but my plan was to go and it fell through. After all was said and done I ended up taking friday off as another rest day. But Saturday, I hit the track at the local high school and just walk/ran. No plan, no time limits, I just ran till I was tired then walked till I felt like running again. Was a good time. I have no clue how far I went, only thing I can tell ya is it took about 90 mins.

Which gets me to today, I was sitting at work and I had a serious case of the monday blahs. I did a lot of work, but I just didn't want to be there today. When I got home I knew I had to do something to get the Blahs gone so I thought, "Why not go to the Gym and hit the treadmill". Yeah I know the treadmill? But hey it's 25 out there and snowing off and on. I didn't feel like running outside. I wanted to wear shorts and run in warmth. So I got there and my favorite treadmill was open. It's the only one there that works with my HR monitor so I don't have to look at the watch. And if shows me all kinds of neat graphs when I am done. (guess that nerd in me is still there) I did a 5 min warm up then decided to try out a 1 min run/2min walk x10 routine. *If you will note I couldn't finish this the first time I ever tried it.* I blew threw it with little stress, my avg HR was 138 and my max was 154. I was very proud of myself. I was a awesome feeling knowing that just 3 months ago I couldn't do this program.

So there you have it... oh yeah... the weight thing. Well it's pretty much the same as 2 weeks ago BUT I got a new pair of shorts (LARGE sized) Yeah... and a couple new pairs of jeans umm 38 not 42 :) So I am happy with the way things are going. I figure it's just my muscles tighting up which is a very good thing.

Ok, well. I am off to bed 4 am comes early.. but one more little itty bitty thing.. Thank you all for supporting me in this. Without all of you (you all know who you are) I couldn't get through a lot of this. :)

I'll try and let you know how the stairs go Wed... before monday... :)


Sarah said...

Wow...your running is really coming along! That is awesome! Do you have any races planned for the spring?

Smaller pants rock! I was able to get on and button the "skinny jeans" that have been sitting in my closet for years now. :)

Tanya said...

Wow-great job on the deadmill! You are making fantastic progress.1

Stan said...

I am registered for a 5k on March 28th. Been waiting to see how I do on that one before I leap into anything else.

I have some temporary races planned for the summer too. But I am playing it by ear.

The pants made me feel great. All my clothes I wear to work are too big.. thank goodness for belts. But I am going to have to invest in a lot of new clothes soon.

The gym makes it a lot easier on the dreadmill. I think if it was at home I wouldn't do as well. Can't let people see me quit :P

Winnston said...

Stan, you are just cruising along like a MACHINE. It seems that every week there is a little reminder of progress or another little barrier broken. Just going to the track to run/walk for 90 minutes is terrific.

And great job on the treadmill, I was on it last night and it was dreadfull. Very diifcult to stick it out, but I did.

So a 5k in about 5 weeks? That ought to be alot of fun for you. How many days a week are you working out?

I guess you will be needing some summer clothes too, including a new bathing suit. I know you have made alot of progress and all, but just don't go for the Speedo just yet.

Please. ;-)